Apparently, Judy Sigwalt and Paul Humpfer have been meeting regularly, for at least most of the year, with a small group of supporters a few days before Village Board meetings.

Now, that might seem like good, solid community involvement, but this is Carpentersville and we’re talking about two trustees who have been at the center of the “Trouble with Carpentersville“. This group was supposedly put together to get them re-elected.

So, what was really going on at these meetings?

They would allegedly go over the agenda and through the Board information packets to formulate something of a script for public comments. Then, one or more of those present would be designated to bring the comments up during the public comment period at Village Board meetings.

Anyone see a conflict here?

Perhaps if we look at the several Board meetings where comments made were out-of-bounds or specifically not Village business, which resulted in President Sarto gaveling those persons and asking them to sit down, only to have Trustees Humpfer or Sigwalt object or even “appeal the ruling of the President”.

It would offer glaring evidence of the attempts to manipulate the meetings, interfere with Village business and, not least of all, criticize President Sarto. This seems all part of the strategy (of which readers of Carpentersville Action Network are now well aware) of Sigwalt and Co to disrupt Village Board meetings, slow progress and play political games at the expense of the community.

I would advise the Village Manager and the Village Attorney to investigate these issues. If that investigation turns up evidence of this, I believe it should result in the immediate censure, and perhaps removal from office, of these two trustees.  Apparently, Trustee Sigwalt has admitted to this.

Furthermore, I would recommend that Trustees Teeter, Hinz and Ritter distance themselves significantly from these two trustees, both in their voting and any commendatory or congratulatory messages, if they want any chance at remaining in office at the next election. That they have seemed supportive of some of the past antics of these two trustees casts a shadow of suspicion over them as well. They need to show residents they are not a part of these unconscionable acts.

These two trustees appear responsible for doing a great deal of harm to the Village and something must be done.