This thread will be set for sharing the outrage that some are expressing at the fact that Paul Humpfer remains in office… (Don’t have time to write an email or comment? Make your voice heard in our poll, Should he stay or should he go?)

To date, the Daily Herald has published 2 “Fence Post” letters (to the editor), related to this issue.  1 seeking an apology from Humpfer, the other criticizing Sarto.  Below, you will see the numerous emails that have been received asking for Humpfer’s resignation or removal.  Comments to that same effect are present on the various article threads on this blog.

[Updated 3-18: 4:00pm]

[Scroll to the bottom of this message to see the one in support of Humpfer.]

From Carrie:

I believe Paul Humpfer needs to resign or be removed from office in order for the Village of Carpentersville to move forward. Why is this position so important to him anyway? Does he like having all of his personal business covered on the front page local newspapers? If he really cared about this community he would resign. I agree with the actions being taken by Sarto to attempt to have him legally removed from office. Please think about the community as a whole and Humpfer’s negative impact on it’s future.

From Ron H:

It is now time to act. The village of Carpentersville is in many ways defined by the officials that we elect to represent us. With Paul Humpfers conviction for ” wife beating ” lets call it what it is, how do I explain this to my 8 year old daughter. That if you beat your wife its o.k. you can still hold you job as a public servant, I can guarantee that the public opinion as well as that of the courier news paper is that Humpfer must go. I will be at the next village meeting, and if Humpfer has not resigned at that point, you can rest assured my voice and many other will be heard. As if this village does not have enough problems.

From Chris:

I just wanted to reach out as an interested citizen of Carpentersville and profess my thanks for your support of President Sarto and his current effort to bring focus back to the business of Carpentersville with the acceptance of a resignation or a dismissal of a distracted board member as required.

I would hope all of our board members would commit to focus on the future of our village as a high priority, I further hope that they all would value their commitment to their families enough to honorably resign a seat to allow them needed time for the important things if it proves to be a needless distraction for the governing board.

From Ashley, Chicago:

I have recently learned of Trustee Humpfer’s conviction on 4 counts of domestic battery, and his refusal to step down. Although I am not myself a resident of Carpentersville, I would like to urge the Board to remove Trustee Humpfer from his position. How can the people of your village entrust their beloved town to a convicted criminal and wife beater? Domestic abuse if a real problem in this country, and I take your defense of Humpfer as a direct assault on the seriousness of the crime. This is an outrage to women all over the country!

Trustee Humpfer may claim to be innocent, but he his conviction is more than enough reason for him to step down. He is marring the honor of your village. Just as Governor Spitzer had to resign when he was found guilty of soliciting a prostitute, Trustee Humpfer must also resign! I urge the Board to remove Humpfer immediately if he does not have the honor or respect to resign on his own.

From Silvia:

I am sure you have received dozens of emails regarding this issue. However, I felt it necessary to also voice my opinion. As a businesswoman in this community with a large family currently residing in Carpentersville I feel that what happens in the Village affects us all.

I find it impossible to believe that Paul Humpfer has been only charged and found guilty of beating his wife as a misdemeanor. As a woman, a mother, a sister, I find this offensive. Paul Humpfer should be ashamed of himself and should resign for the good of the community he swore to represent. He does NOT represent the people of this Village. He should focus on healing his family and remove himself from the Board in order to do so.

As the Board of Trustees, the Village Manager, and the Village Attorney you need to represent this Village and demand Paul Humpfer remove himself from the Board. I hope you all have the courage to do this so that once again Carpentersville can continue looking forward to the future and to making positive changes.

Thank you for your time.

From Adam R:

I am so outraged and upset that our Village will be dragged through the mud by the unforgivable and illegal actions of Trustee Humpfer. As a public elected official you must present moral characteristics that represent the people you govern. Obviously Trustee Humpfer does not get it and stated publicly he will not resign. There are 6 other board members that will be affected by his decision and not to mention our Village.

If the village and the elected board members, that have a duty to uphold exemplary moral character allow Humpfer to stay on as a Trustee, then in my mind the village & the trustees support actions that are against the law. There is no middle ground here, you are all public figures, you can’t commit a crime and then pretend it is OK. It is not OK, so Trustee Humpfer must resign.

From John H:

Sign me up for the Louis Sluggerville Club, also known as the Village of Carpentersville Trustees.

My battering average is 55+!

From Ling Z:

I am a small business owner in the Village of Lake in the Hills, I often conduct business with several key vendors in the Village of Carpentersville. I will be forced to take my business elsewhere if you continue to allow Trustee Humpfer to remain in office.

I will not have my taxes distributed to a Village that condones Domestic Violence.

From Jane R:

I am greatly surprised to hear that a member of your Board has been convicted of physically assaulting his wife – and, that he is still allowed to be on the Board.

There is no place in public office for anyone who abuses anyone. If indeed this information is true, this man must be removed from office. Send the correct message to your constituents and to the children in your community. Tell them what kind of leadership they have, and what kind of community they live in — a kind, loving, gentle community that will not in any way condone and accept in leadership anyone who is violent to another.

From Jennifer L, Long Beach, CA:

Minuteman and racist, Trustee Paul Humpfer, convicted of 4 counts of battery is still in office. Many of us across the nation are wondering why. This man was convicted of spousal abuse, which not only shows an extreme lack of character, but demonstrates he has no respect for the law. Americans are questioning why this biggot hasn’t been removed, and wondering if the racist ideologies of the Minuteman project had invaded the rest of your Board of Trustees. The Minuteman project has been defined as a hate group. The information they use to bolster their views is from FAIR, which the Souther Poverty Law Center had defined as hate speech.This man committed a crime. He hit his wife with a baseball bat, striking her legs and other parts of her body, like an insane animal. Why is he still serving on your Board of Trustees? An ethical panel would have let this racist jerk go as soon as the charges were filed.America is watching. We are monitoring racists across the country and documenting this information to influence change. Your names will be in the files if this wife beating racist isn’t told to resign!

From Anita M:

I have sent a letter to the Village Manager. 2,000 women die each year due to Domestic Violence. Over 2,000,000 are seriously injured. I cannot believe that the Village of Carpentersville would continue to employ Trustee Humpfer. I am demanding as a Village Resident, the removal of Trustee Humpfer. The Village is sending a terrible message to the community that this crime is not serious enough and that politicians can get a pass. How can we trust one of representatives when he commits such a heinous crime against his own family? No matter with the circumstances may have been Humpfer has the choice to walk out. Domestic Violence usually has a pattern of repetitive abuse, he may have thought that he could get a way with hitting his wife because she dropped a previous “Order of Protection”. By him staying on as Trustee, he is saying to the public that he is not remorseful and that his ego can get him out of any crisis. We must stop this nonsense and be vigilant for the true victims of Humpfer’s rage: Jacqueline Humpfer and their son. Please what’s in the best interest of your constituents.

From Sharon M, Washington (state):

No where in our country ought there be abusers in public office!I live in the state of Washington and stand firmly with those who know that there is NO reason for one person to abuse another, ever.We have tolerated abuse, bullying and conflict as a way to address problems for far too long. This acceptance must stop, NOW and it must stop everywhere.

From Jane VP, Bartlett, TX:

Remove Humpfer. Please. Otherwise you send the wrong message to the rest of us.

From Desiree H:

I am appalled to read that the fate of Mr. Humpher has yet to be determined.Domestic Violence symbolizes fear for many victims. I and many victims of domestic violence who conduct business at the Village of Carpentersville will be reminded of their own horrific personal tragedies with Humpfer still present. You must send a message to the community of Carpentersville that Domestic Violence will not be tolerated and send a message through the removal of Humpfer is from his office.Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

And, one in support of Paul Humpfer … it was forwarded to me from Trustee Ramirez-Sliwinski to let me know that, of the few dozen emails she has received, this is the only one in Humpfer’s defense:
From Chas N:

I wanted to send you a quick email concerning your latest comments which I recently read in the Daily Herald pertaining to the matter of Mr. Humpfer and the emails you say you received that were suppose to be the representation of our “community”. First, I want you to know that I am a resident of Carpentersville.

You said, “”That’s a real shame that he doesn’t represent the board because that means the board doesn’t represent the community,” said Ramirez-Sliwinski, who said the board had received dozens of e-mails from residents and outsiders alike demanding Humpfer’s removal.” This is your statement you used to justify Mr. Sartos recent actions?

I need to ask you how many emails you received? I would also like to know how that number compares to the total number of voting residents we have in Carpentersville so as to understand the percentage of “community” that you refer to.

While I cannot speak for Mr. Humpfer (and personally do not know him other than his work on the board) I can say loudly, that you do not speak for me! It is unfair for you to state that a handful of emails to you and Mr. Sarto represents the consensus of our entire Village. Personally, I find your remarks misleading in that you want people to believe that there is a public majority outcry for Mr. Humpfer’s removal from office. The last time I went to polls I thought the majority spoke. I have had many conversations in my neighborhood and have found only that you would be mistaken with your recent remarks. I have only heard from people that (while in his personal life he has been found guilty of misdemeanor’s) that these personal tribulations that Mr. Humpfer is working through has no bearing on the work he does on behalf of the Village Board (that is my belief).

The fact is, that there are just as qualified a people as Mr. Humpfer serving in our Congress today that have been tried and convicted of far worse in our judicial system (both state and federal) and their past convictions have not prevented them from performing their elected civic duties. I (along with numerous others with whom I live next to and spoke with just today) have no reason to believe that is any different concerning Mr. Humpfer.

You also said “”If we don’t do something to remove him from the board, what message is that sending?” Ramirez-Sliwinski said. “That public officials can get away with anything, that they can do anything to anyone?””.

Mrs. Ramirez-Sliwinski I need to remind you that messages are most often sent through the use of elections. I believe that this is what elections were meant to determine. They show the majority of the will of the people being represented. Messages should not be sent by those few who serve on the board and have political indifferences.

More as they are received…